Science in China

Chinese society has been recognized throughout history for its tradition and stability of the bureaucracy. By the fifteenth century, China has successfully applied more scientific knowledge than in Europe.

The Chinese discovered paper technology since 105. The first printed text to see the light of day was in 868. By in the year 100 the Chinese have found that a magnet is oriented only towards the North Pole, but did not use magnets on sailing until 969 In X century during wars, used weapons detonating powder. According to reports the Venetian traveler Marco Polo, in 1237 had firearms.
Ratchet, the most important element of a clock, was invented in 725. But the Chinese were familiar with many other mechanical systems such as Crank and piston rod, long before they become known to Europeans. Foalele kiln, operated by hydraulic wheels, has helped develop amazing technology of iron and steel production.

Besides technological advances, Chinese civilization has made enormous steps towards development of the theory about matter and life. For example, it seems that they have always been convinced that the blood circulates through the veins and arteries. The first law of motion formulated by Isaac Newton, that a body will not stop moving unless it is stopped by a force contrary to that which it moves, was set forth by the Chinese almost 2000 years before the English physicist.

While they have accumulated a lot of empirical information on a number of topics. Most notable in terms of quantity and quality are in the field of astronomy, which reached a high level of development in the eighth century. For example, the notes made by the Chinese with specific reference to the supernova observed in 1504 allowed astronomers today to establish the fact that this supernova was originally from Crab Nebula.

Chinese attitude towards the different nature than the one adopted by the European front during the Renaissance period. The Chinese did never separate from the spiritual and material world had no belief that man can dominate nature. Hence, lack of interest in developing a scientific methodology and the lack of a link between their theories and observations or experiments.


lenovogroup said...

this is very interesting post .. keep it up.

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